This is to receive approved Custom Work on
your new model Colt Python
Standard Fittment Includes:
- Full Disassembly, Deburr, & Stonewash (finish will be matte Stainless)
- Hand Fitment of contact points
- EMPIRE Engraving
- Installation, Fitment, & 1year warranty for Python & EMPIRE parts
- Return Shipping
Or you can change the color to one of our models - KAGE needs to be purchased to match
- COTTONMOUTH = 2Tone Color
- Black MAMBA = All Blacked Out
- MAMBA = Complete Polish
- TAIPAN = 2Tone Color Case Hardened & Clear Coated
- Fer De LANCE = Blacked Out Python with Tano KAGE
You can order the KAGE, KOTE, STILETTO, or Holsters at the same time.
*Custom work is performed in limited-run small batches made to order & have approximately a 45 day turnaround*
*Lights / Optics not included but can be quoted*